Pre-Admission Information
The school serves students age 5 through 21. Parents or guardians of prospective students should call the Director at 407.852.9922 to schedule an appointment to visit the school. Please note that the school currently serves students on the low and middle end of the autism spectrum who are typically academically two grade levels or more behind their age group.
If you have not already done so, register for the McKay Scholarship (See Link) starting in March of each year. In order to qualify for the McKay, a child must be at least 5 years old, have been enrolled in a Florida public or charter school for the previous full year, and have an IEP. Children who have been in a charter or public school special needs VPK program for a year are eligible for the McKay Scholarship. Even if you are satisfied with your child’s school, we encourage parents to apply for the McKay every year, so that if the situation should change, your child’s McKay scholarship will be available to apply towards private school tuition during the upcoming school year. McKay Scholarship has very strict deadline. Please review those deadlines on their website:
Admission Information
Tuition: McKay Scholarship (see below)
Required Monthly Contribution
Students must receive therapy services in the Academy Clinic (Covered by child’s Health Insurance)
Transportation to/from school and lunch must be supplied by parents
Participation in fundraising events: Required
Admission Procedure
Tour: Parents must take a tour of school. If the school appears to be appropriate for the child, parent can request that the child be placed on the waiting list after tour. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled with the parents and the child, when a placement becomes available.
Student Visit: During this visit, the child will spend some time in the classroom where staff will determine if placement is appropriate for the child.
Placement: If the child meets the placement requirement, the parent is offered the seat.
Waiting list order does not determine admission. Admission is determined on seat availability and if the child meets the available placement criteria.